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Philanthropy in Australia: It’s What You Do With it That Counts

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th February 2013 -  In this article published by The Conversation, Professor John Fitzgerald, the Chair in Social Investment and Philanthropy at Swinburne University of Technology discusses how highly publicised private benefactors are redefining philanthropy in Austral


Collective Impact At Work

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th February 2013 -  The US, the Magnolia Community Initiative involves an organisation that supports 35,000 children in the Los Angeles area to train their partner organisations to achieve change and success. This week, Australian social change advocates Dawn O’Neil A


Be Kind to Your Mother: Adolescent Violence on the Rise

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th February 2013 -  As Melbourne hosts the first-ever Australian conference on adolescent violence in the home this week, Anglicare Victoria’s General Manager of Policy, Research and Innovation Dr Sarah Wise discusses the increasing levels of adolescent violence agai


A Perspective on Natural Disaster Donor Fatigue

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th February 2013 -  With floods and fires again front and centre, one remedy for donor fatigue involves being convinced that donations will be well used says Phil Hayes-St Clair the Chairman of Philanthropy and Community Investment Advisors, HSC & Company.


How Corporate Philanthropy Can Help Schools

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th February 2013 -  Business enthusiasm for education philanthropy has been growing steadily in Australia according to Annemarie Rolls, the Chief Executive Officer of Schools Connect Australia, a Not for Profit organisation in the education philanthropy sector.


Current Super Concessions Favour the Wealthy – So Why Aren’t We Supporting Reform?

Staff Reporter, Friday, 8th February 2013 -  This article is by John Passant who is a tutor at the Australian National University. It was first published by The Conversation.

Collaboration: What are the Real Factors for Success?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th February 2013 -  The potential for collaborative projects to deliver positive social change, innovation and cost-savings is undoubtable. What is not so clear is how to ensure a collaboration will be a success argues Liz Skelton, Principal Consultant and Senior Manage


NDIS Bill – Time for Closer Examination

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th January 2013 -  As more than a thousand submissions have been made to the Senate Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme legislation, the President of the Victorian Disability Services Board and systemic advocate for inclusive practices, Tricia Malowne


The Advantages of Skills Based Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 -  An increase in Skills Based Volunteering (SBV) is leading the way for companies not only wanting to give back to their communities but also to their employees says Fiona Whittenbury - the corporate partnerships manager at the Women’s and Childrenâ€

Climate Change Is Everybody’s Business

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 -  This article is by Harry Blutstein, Adjunct Professor, School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning at RMIT University, and published by The Conversation.
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