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Resurecting Howard to Strengthen Business Community Partnerships

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th April 2013 -  To simply replicate the agenda of John Howard's Corporate Community Partnerships initiative with its focus on research papers and awards would be a mistake for the Abbott Coalition without ensuring it is recalibrated for the contemporary situation,


Bailing Out With a Broken Bucket

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th April 2013 -  What Australia needs is a review that tackles the complexity of the income support system including how it interacts with the tax system, our approach to supporting disabled people back into the workforce and assistance for long-term unemployed peopl


What’s in an NDIS Name Change?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st March 2013 -  Changing the name of the National Disability Insurance Scheme to DisabilityCare sends the wrong message about the scheme's intent, says Estelle Fyffe is the chief executive officer of disability Not for Profit organisation annecto.

How To Become A Catalytic Donor

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th March 2013 -  This week, Australian social change advocates Dawn O’Neil AM and Kerry Graham talk about the crucial role of funders and draw on examples of how philanthropy in particular has been instrumental in driving a movement of change towards a collective i


Rise of the User in Social Services

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th March 2013 -  There needs to be a paradigm shift in how Australia thinks about helping people - it‘s time to put the service user at the very heart of the social service system, says strategy and innovation consultant to the social sector Dale Renner.

A Sector Made to Measure

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th March 2013 -  Chris Lee is a humanitarian professional currently posted to Jordan with UNHCR. In this post from the CSI Blog, Lee shares his thoughts on measuring social impact in the Not for Profit sector.


Are We Creating a Philanthropic Monoculture?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th March 2013 -  Is philanthropy in Australia creating a mono-cultural sector that unintentionally excludes others who may genuinely want to ‘give back’?, asks Doug Taylor, the Chief Executive Officer of United Way Australia.


Building Bridges with Corporate Citizenship

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th March 2013 -  The potential for small-to-medium sized enterprises to become more involved in CSR activities is barely beginning to be tapped, argues structural engineer and social justice advocate Tim McMinn. In this opinion piece, McMinn explores the ways in whic


The Step Up To G4

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th March 2013 -  The May release of G4, the latest incarnation of sustainability reporting guidelines by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), is seen by reporters in Australia with both anticipation and trepidation. This is Part One of a series by Banarra Principal


Meaningful Measurement the Key to Success

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th March 2013 -  How do program directors really measure a social return on their investment, and how do they go about using measurement to improve outcomes, asks Calum Scott, the Program Impact Director for Opportunity International Australia.
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