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Not Missing in Action: The Enduring Penalty of ‘Being Female’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 1st August 2014 -  While many aspects of working life have changed in recent decades, the inequality of outcomes experienced by male and female employees has been remarkably resistant, writes Liz Temple, Lecturer in Psychology at Federation University Australia, in thi

Ten Job Seekers Per Vacancy: A Reality Check on Welfare Overhaul

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  It turns out that the policies for under 30s in the Federal Budget in May were a precursor to a much wider set of changes affecting unemployed people across the board, writes Veronica Sheen, Research Associate, School of Social Sciences at Monash Uni


Collaboration is Subversive

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  The wish for collaboration rarely sees translation into reality writes, Geoff Aigner, Director of Social Leadership Australia at The Benevolent Society, which is co-host of Collective Impact 2014 in Melbourne.


The Ministry for Funny Hats

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -  The Federal Government’s Options Paper on the replacement of the charity regulator suggests that the Government has already made up its mind and, as with the decision to abolish the ACNC, is not really interested in what the sector thinks, writes P


Funding Reforms Hit Most Vulnerable

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -  Mental health funding reforms will impact the most vulnerable members of the community while losing years of hard earned innovation and wisdom within the Not for Profit sector, writes Jesuit Social Services CEO Julie Edwards.


McClure Review a Cause for Carers’ Concern

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th July 2014 -  The McClure Welfare Review’s interim report has revealed plans that could put more pressure on people with disability and carers, Australian Greens spokesperson on family and community services and disabilities Senator Rachel Siewert writes.
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