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Volunteers in Emergency Management

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 13th November 2014 -  What's the relationship between formal and informal volunteers in emergency management asks Adrienne Picone the CEO Volunteering Tasmania.


Charities Left in the Dark Ahead of Busy Christmas Period

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 11th November 2014 -  A significant number of Not for Profit organisations providing key frontline services are heading into the busy festive season fatigued by perpetual uncertainty under the Federal Government, writes the Shadow Minister for Communities Claire Moore.


Rejecting a Board Vacancy

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th October 2014 -  The Not for Profit sector offers great diversity in skills and culture and its the duty of those recruiting to capitalise on this and for aspiring board members to know what they are bringing to the table, writes adviser and researcher Conrad Liveris


Plan C for the ACNC

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 14th October 2014 -  It is bad change-strategy to drop something like the ACNC while it appears to be working and is so strongly supported, writes Research Director Curtin University Not-for-profit Initiative, Penny Knight who offers a “Plan C” alternative for the F


App Developers Should Adopt ‘Bunny Approach’

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 9th October 2014 -  App developers can be proactive, and build their apps accessibly for people with disability from the start, writes former Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes.

Making a Noticeable Contribution to Foreign Aid?

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd October 2014 -  Can Australia reduce its aid budget in the 21st century and continue to aim for best practice, asks Matthew Sinclair, an Australian delegate to the World Trade Organisation Public Forum in Geneva.


How Bare is Your Cupboard?

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 25th September 2014 -  The charity sector has a low appetite for risk especially when it comes to leveraging its assets, writes David Crosbie CEO Community Council for Australia.
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