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Why we need a peak body for NSW and ACT social enterprises

Contributor, Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 -  It’s time a social enterprise council or network was established in NSW and ACT to advocate for and represent the social enterprise sector, write Social Change Central, part of the catalysing team behind a new initiative to create a peak body for N

‘We will not tolerate the abuse’: NSW appoints ageing and disability commissioner

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 -  Robert Fitzgerald AM will investigate allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable people after being appointed New South Wales’ first ageing and disability commissioner.


Ling high-fiving someone.

Why charities should aim to make themselves redundant

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 1st July 2019 -  Social enterprise founder and TEDx speaker Weh Yeoh makes the case for charities having defined end points as opposed to continually perpetuating themselves and addressing symptoms.
Canada flag

‘The time for real change has come’: Canadian government urged to rebuild relationship with charities

Luke Michael, Thursday, 27th June 2019 -  Canada’s charity sector has suffered from “benign neglect” for too long and desperately needs meaningful policy reform, a federal Senate committee has warned.


dog wagging tail

The program tail that wags the dog

Bruce Mullan, Thursday, 27th June 2019 -  Many organisations live and breathe their social impact but growth for growth’s sake is holding them back, writes Bruce Mullan from Revera.
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