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Top NFP Women Breaking Gender Pay Barrier

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 7th April 2015 -  EXCLUSIVE: Women CEOs in Australia’s largest Not for Profit organisations are matching and often outdoing the salaries of their male counterparts, bucking the trend of the business sector, according to the latest national Salary Survey by social ec

Anxiety, Drug Use Link – Survey

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 7th April 2015 -  A new analysis of a survey funded by national mental health organisation, beyondblue and the Movember Foundation, has found strong links between psychological distress and drug use among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Australians.


Competition Policy: Not Always Good, Not Always Bad!

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 2nd April 2015 -  The Competition Policy Review Report has adopted some commendable principles, particularly the emphasis on placing the consumer at the centre of all services, writes David Crosbie CEO of Community Council for Australia.

Australian Charities Funding Terrorism Warning

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 2nd April 2015 -  The national charity regulator, the ACNC, has issued a warning after a new report revealed that some Australian-based charities and Not for Profits have been exploited by terrorist groups to raise money to fund their activities.

Campaign to Stamp Out Discrimination Against LGBTI People

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 31st March 2015 -  Mental health Not for Profit beyondblue has relaunched a campaign aimed at stamping out discrimination against gay and lesbian people after a new study found Australian teenage boys were engaging in homophobia at an alarming rate.

NFPs Facing Significant IT Challenges – Survey

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 27th March 2015 -  Many Australian and New Zealand Not for Profits are facing significant IT challenges that are impacting their overall productivity, according to the results of a new survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and Techsoup New Zealand.


A Whacking Stick is Not Enough to Get Young People into Work

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 26th March 2015 -  It’s time for a serious discussion between Governments, business, Not for Profits, educators, the community and young people about creating more jobs and supportive, realistic pathways to achieving them, writes researchers from the Centre for Socia

Benchmarking Operational Resources of Trusts & Foundations

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 26th March 2015 -  Philanthropy Australia has commissioned a landmark project to benchmark the operational resources of Trusts and Foundations across Australia and New Zealand.

Sustainable Cities Index – No Utopia

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 25th March 2015 -  Across the world, cities are failing to meet the needs of their people, according to an inaugural Sustainable Cities Index which mirrors the business concept of the triple bottom line.
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