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Budget Outcome: Communicating NFP Impact

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th May 2015 -  In the wake of the Federal Budget, the days of Government support for the Not for Profit sector are somewhat limited but solving social issues starts with communication, writes Perth-based community advocate and researcher, Conrad Liveris.

Social Enterprise Masters Conference 2015

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 14th May 2015 -  At the Social Enterprise Masters Conference on 3rd June, Social Traders, in conjunction with the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) Swinburne, will release the first stage of Finding Australia’s Social Enterprise Sector 2015 (FASES) – a national rese

Direct Charity Funds Overseas – Peter Singer

Lina Caneva, Friday, 8th May 2015 -  Australian academic and international activist Peter Singer has called for an increase in the aid budget and for charitable funds to be diverted overseas, where he says they can have greater impact.

Sector Call to Arms Over ‘Fair’ Australia – Progress 2015

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 7th May 2015 -  The national CEO of the St Vincent de Paul society has delivered a passionate call to arms against the “enemy” of the Federal Government, which he said had “ripped the guts out of what remains of a fair and egalitarian Australia”.

NFP Fulbright Scholarship 2016 Applications Open

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 7th May 2015 -  Applications for the 2016 Fulbright Scholarship in Not for Profit leadership are again open, offering an emerging leader the opportunity to undertake a program of research and professional development in the United States.

Charities Living in a ‘No-Excuses Environment’ – ACNC

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 6th May 2015 -  More than 1300 formal complaints have been made about Australian charities over the last two years, with most of the complaints concerning how they spend donor dollars, a new report by the national charity regulator has found.

Telstra Women’s Award Looks to Social Enterprise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th May 2015 -  Women running social enterprises and Not for Profit organisations are eligible to enter a new category designed to showcase those delivering positive social change in the 2015 Telstra Business Women’s Awards.

The Missing Piece: How Close Is Social Enterprise in Reaching its Full Potential?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th May 2015 -  Mark Daniels, Head of Market Development at Social Traders highlights the role social enterprise currently plays in Australia and explores the barriers preventing it from reaching its full potential.

Housing Affordability Must be a National Focus

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 5th May 2015 -  The release of Anglicare’s Rental Affordability Snapshot shows just how dire the situation is for many Australians simply trying to keep a roof over their heads, writes Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Senator Jan Lucas.

ACT Most Charitable State

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th April 2015 -  Australia’s most charitable state in 2012-13 was the Australian Capital Territory, according to the latest statistics from the Australian Tax Office - holding its top place from the previous year.
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