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QLD Charities Loom Large in the National Picture

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 18th June 2015 -  Queensland has a greater percentage of large charities than all the other Australian States and Territories, according to a new analysis from QUT’s Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies.

Partnership To Open Up Data for Social Enterprises

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 17th June 2015 -  New Sydney-based social enterprise, Community Insight Australia will partner with the Federal Government to help social purpose organisations access data.


Silence on the Agenda for Enviro-Charity Inquiry

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 16th June 2015 -  It’s hard to see the Abbott Government’s inquiry into the Deductible Gift Recipient Status of environmental charities as anything except a show trial, writes the Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Andrew Leigh, as the inquiry holds its first public hear

Community Legal Centres Turn Away 150,000

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 16th June 2015 -  Under continuing funding stress, over 150,000 Australians are turned away from Community Legal Centres each year, according to new figures.

Aussie Philanthropists Struggling With Red Tape

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 16th June 2015 -  Australia’s philanthropic sector is “decidedly disjointed” and lags behind the world’s leaders on cross-border giving, according to a landmark report.

Australians Think Govt Should Help Asylum Seekers Less

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 15th June 2015 -  Most Australians are misinformed about refugees and asylum seekers, thinking it is a crime to come by boat without a visa seeking protection, a new survey by a major Not for Profit has found.


Showcasing Community and Philanthropy Partnerships

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 11th June 2015 -  The recently announced Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week aims to showcase and promote partnerships that are making a difference in communities right across Australia, writes Krystian Seibert, Policy & Research Manager with Philanthropy

More Donors for Divestment Universities: Poll

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 10th June 2015 -  University decisions to avoid fossil fuels may boost donations from alumni, according to the results of national polling by The Australia Institute.

Costs Impact Access to Health Care for People with Disability

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th June 2015 -  Almost one-fifth of people with disability who needed to see a doctor delayed or did not go because of the cost, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
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