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Nominations Open for National Disability Awards

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 4th August 2015 -  The 2015 National Disability Awards are open for nomination - giving Australians the chance to acknowledge the people, organisations and initiatives that make a positive impact on the lives of people with disability.

New Resources for Working Parents

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 3rd August 2015 -  The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a new website and online resources in a bid to fight the discrimination faced by pregnant women and parents in the workforce.

More People Stuck on Unemployment Payments

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  Seventy per cent of the people relying on Newstart payments have been on the unemployment payment for more than a year, according to the latest data.

Charities Working Overseas Dominate Volunteers – Report

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  Despite making up only 15 per cent of Australian charities, those that operate overseas are responsible for more than a third of the country’s two million volunteers, according to a new report by Curtin University.

BLOG: Unpacking Shared Value in Australia

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  The first major report to assess the state of shared value creation in Australia reveals why pioneering companies see this as a significant opportunity to create products and services that reduce social and environmental problems, writes Sandy Blackb

University Graduates Struggling to Find Work

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 27th July 2015 -  More than 30 per cent of university graduates were unable to find jobs within four months of finishing their degrees, a comprehensive survey has found.

Not for Profit Employees Miss Out on Training – Study

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd July 2015 -  New Australian research shows that one in two Not for Profit employees do not have access to any professional development.

Welfare Peak Claims SA Worst Hit By GST Increases

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd July 2015 -  New figures released by the South Australian Council of Social Service show that increasing or broadening the base of the GST would impact South Australian households more than the rest of the country.


Who’s On the Outer? Uncovering Poverty’s Many Faces

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd July 2015 -  New insights into ‘disadvantage’ underpin the need to focus policies and services on the places and groups where social exclusion is concentrated, writes Francisco Azipitarte and Shelley Mallett from Brotherhood of St Laurence in this article fir

Australia’s Most Trusted Charity Revealed

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 23rd July 2015 -  For the third year in a row, Guide Dogs Australia has been voted Australia’s Most Trusted Charity in a poll of more than 2,400 people.
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