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Social Enterprises Misunderstood – Financial Resilience Report

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 12th August 2015 -  Narrow definitions of social enterprise and a limited knowledge of the emerging sector among financiers and the wider public have been identified as key resourcing challenges.

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Remodelling the CSR Paradigm

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 12th August 2015 -  The first model for assessing the compatibility between employer and employee social responsibility within individual organisations could reshape the way CSR is understood and measured.

Gauging the State of the Not for Profit Sector

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 11th August 2015 -  The 2015 annual national survey of the Australian Not for Profit sector by Pro Bono Australia is set to provide crucial insights into the sector’s confidence level and its expectations for the future.

Commission Told Family Violence is Everyone’s Responsibility

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 11th August 2015 -  Domestic violence advocate and Pro Bono Australia Impact 25 member, Rosie Batty, implored Australian’s to continue raising awareness of the issue at the first Royal Commission into family violence being held in Victoria.

Australia’s Formal Education System Best in the World – Report

Lina Caneva, Monday, 10th August 2015 -  Australia’s formal education system has been ranked number one in the world but vocational skills and lack of policies enabling competitiveness are causing it to fall behind other countries, a new global report has found.

QLD To Investigate Volunteer Numbers

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 6th August 2015 -  New research into how and why Queenslanders volunteer may be key to combatting the decline of people who volunteer regularly, according to the Cancer Council Queensland.

NFPs Urged to Adopt New Strategies for Aboriginal Child Welfare

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 6th August 2015 -  A landmark report into the lives and welfare of young Aboriginal children in Western Australia has urged community organisations to develop new and innovative approaches to help improve their future wellbeing.

Nine in 10 Aussies Give to Charity as Trust Soars

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 6th August 2015 -  Charities have been rated as some of the most trustworthy institutions in Australia, ranked only behind doctors and police, and nine out of every 10 Australians have given to charity in the last year, a new report from the national regulator has foun

Best Run Aussie NFP Revealed

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 4th August 2015 -  The Australian arm of the global aid organisation, World Vision has been named Australia’s best run organisation in a national survey of Not for Profits and donors which also suggests almost two thirds of NFPs are not being well run.
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