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Call for Urgent Action on Abuse of Disabled Children

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 20th August 2015 -  Australia’s disability sector has called for “swift” Government action after the Victorian Commissioner for Children and Young People, found that 166 children had allegedly experienced sexual abuse in residential and institutional settings in V

Senate Inquiry Slams Out of Home Care System

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 20th August 2015 -  A Senate committee has recommended a shake-up of the out-of-home care system, which was found to be failing children in care.

Australian Charity of the Year Announced

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 20th August 2015 -  Just 10 years after it was founded to tackle a lack of research into a disease that affects more than 23,000 Australians, MS Research Australia has been recognised as the Charity of the Year.

Discussion Paper to Stir Debate on Defining Citizenship

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 20th August 2015 -  The Scanlon Foundation has released a discussion paper exploring the changing concept of citizenship and its role in maintaining and fostering social cohesion in Australia.

Dangerous Increase in Online Betting – NFP Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 18th August 2015 -  Access to credit provided by online sports betting companies, as well as inadequate mechanisms for limiting losses, is fuelling a dangerous increase in online sports betting and problem gambling, according to a report released today by Financial Coun

Nominate for Unleashed Awards

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 18th August 2015 -  Young people who've done awesome things in the past 12 months are being urged to get their nominations in for the Foundation for Young Australian’s 2015 Unleashed Awards.

Diverse Gender Issues Reveal Greater Health Risks

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 18th August 2015 -  A new Not for Profit report shows that women with diverse gender and sexual identities are at greater risk of mental and physical health issues.

Philanthropy to Help Shape Medical Research Fund

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th August 2015 -  Federal Parliament has passed legislation to establish the Abbott Government’s landmark $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund with an amendment that requires a newly formed Advisory Board to have expertise in philanthropy.

Call for Govt Action On Youth Issues

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th August 2015 -  National youth advocacy groups across Australia have penned a hard-hitting letter to the Federal Government calling for urgent action on youth issues including unemployment, homelessness,mental health, and domestic and family violence.

They’re Rich, Unelected and Shaping Public Policy

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 13th August 2015 -  There are only 4,600 “high wealth individuals” in Australia with personal assets of $30 million or more, but despite making up just 0.04 per cent of taxpayers, these mega-rich people are shaping public policy at an alarming level, writes Ian McAu
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