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Women Less Prepared than Men Heading into Retirement

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd November 2015 -  Older working women have an average of $100,000 less in superannuation than their male counterparts, according to figures from one of Australia’s largest super funds.

Australian Workplaces Less Deadly

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd November 2015 -  The number of Australians being killed at work has dropped to the lowest level in over a decade of Federal Government reporting.

Aussie Cohesion Report Reflects Complex Change

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th October 2015 -  Australians are accepting of cultural diversity and immigration, but concerned about changes impacting on social justice, according to new social cohesion research released by the Scanlon Foundation.

Gloomy Aussie Outlook Forecasts Unfriendly Future

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th October 2015 -  Australians foresee a future where their society is more skilled but less friendly and moral, Queensland University of Technology research has found.

Australian Students Falling Through the Gaps

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th October 2015 -  One in four young Australians have not attained a Year 12 or vocational equivalent by age 19, according to a landmark national study.

Pro Bono Lawyer for Refugees Wins Award

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 23rd October 2015 -  The annual Australian Young Lawyer Award was presented to Kevin Kadirgamar for his outstanding pro bono work in migration and refugee law.

Psychological Distress Higher in Young Women – NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd October 2015 -  A joint report released by Not for Profits, Mission Australia and the Black Dog Institute shows an increase in the prevalence of probable mental illness among young females.


Is There Any Chance of Certainty for the ACNC?

Professor Ann O'Connell, Thursday, 22nd October 2015 -  Dear Prime Minister, for the sake of the Not for Profit sector, please announce that your government does not intend to abolish the charity regulator, writes Professor Ann O’Connell, from the Melbourne Law School, in an open letter to Malcolm Turnb

Australian Impact Investment Wholesaler Announced

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 21st October 2015 -  The blueprint for an impact investment wholesaler, charged with distributing funds to intermediaries who will then invest directly in social enterprises, Not for Profits and other organisations, is to launch in Australia.

Aussie Entrepreneur Wins Global B Corp Champions Award

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 21st October 2015 -  The founder of Australian social impact investment group Small Giants, Danny Almagor, and his wife Berry Liberman have been awarded a global B Corp Champions Award.
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