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Role of Advocacy a Priority for NFPs – State of the Sector Survey

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 24th November 2015 -  The role of advocacy, sector collaboration and improving the method of government funding agreements are the top priorities for Australia’s Not for Profit sector, according to the 2015 national survey by Pro Bono Australia.

Impact 25 Nominees Unveiled

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 23rd November 2015 -  From CEOs of some of Australia’s largest charities and the Prime Minister, to one-person teams, the Not for Profit sector has spoken and nominated a wide range of people for the second Pro Bono Australia Impact 25.

Australian Children Blame Drugs and Alcohol for Abuse

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 20th November 2015 -  Seventy per cent of Australian children blamed abuse at the hands of adults on drugs and alcohol, compared to just 4 per cent globally, one of the world’s largest polls of children’s views revealed.

Aussies Care More About Human Rights Than Shareholder Rights

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th November 2015 -  Most Australians believe businesses should have ethical responsibilities, placing human rights and environmental concerns way above companies’ duty to return a profit to shareholders, a new survey has revealed.

BLOG: Not Afraid – Même Pas Peur

Kate Brooks, Thursday, 19th November 2015 -  Young Australian human rights law student Kate Brooks is tracing the journey of thousands of Syrian refugees arriving on Europe's shores. While heading back to her home base in Paris, the terror attacks occurred. Here’s her latest Blog - Même Pas

Voice of US Not for Profits, Rick Cohen, Dies

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th November 2015 -  Outspoken US Not for Profit leader and advocate, Rick Cohen, a former President of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy and online columnist, has died suddenly at the age of 64.

Big Business Continues to Invest in Community – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th November 2015 -  A new report has revealed that even during uncertain economic times, top businesses across Australia and New Zealand have increased the amount they spend on community projects and initiatives to over $222 million a year – up by $34 million on 2014

Co-op Sector Answer to Competition Deficit – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th November 2015 -  Australia’s top 100 co-operative and mutual enterprises have grown their combined annual turnover by 14 per cent, reaching $27.9 billion, and have provided important economic competition, a report by the sector’s peak body revealed.

Independent Report finds Work for the Dole Effective

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th November 2015 -  An independent evaluation of the Work for the Dole pilot has found the program was effective in helping participants gain confidence and self-esteem and learn skills such as team-work, communication and appropriate workplace behaviour.

Australian Muslims Condemn Paris Attacks

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th November 2015 -  The peak body for Australian Muslims has condemned the Paris terrorist attacks describing them as “heinous” acts of violence.
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