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Disability Confidence Survey – Attitudes Don’t Translate to Action

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd December 2015 -  One in five Australian employers don’t know if any of their staff have a disability or not, and the same number don’t think they have customers with a disability, according to an Australian first survey.

Young Social Entrepreneurs Deliver Big Ideas

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd December 2015 -  A mental health awareness program for young people in regional areas, and a social enterprise combining permaculture and work opportunities have won a national social enterprise competition.

Philanthropy Missing Out on Shared Learnings – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st December 2015 -  A new report has shown there is room for improvement in the way the Australian philanthropic sector collaborates and shares insights into its work.

The Melbourne Australian Communities Forum

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st December 2015 -  The results of a national, sector-wide study on the way Australian’s give and how charities can respond will be presented at the Melbourne Australian Communities Forum on Thursday 3 December 2015.

Male CEOs Outnumber Women Five to One

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 30th November 2015 -  Less than one in five CEOs in Australia are women, according to new Federal Government data.

Barriers Between Young People and Employment

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 30th November 2015 -  The majority of Australian young people believe they will face barriers that will prevent from reaching their career goals after school, according to major survey.

Disability Sector Shines at National Awards

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th November 2015 -  A 14-year-old boy who led a successful campaign to introduce tactile banknotes in Australia and an advocate for empowering women with a disability are two of the winners of the 2015 National Disability Awards.

Research Reveals Excuses for Abuse

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 25th November 2015 -  On national White Ribbon day confronting new research has revealed that from an early age Australians look for reasons to excuse domestic violence and gender inequality.

Charity Loses Federal Court Tax Fight

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 24th November 2015 -  An Australian organisation that claimed to be a charity and spent more than $1 million on luxury cars for its members, has lost a Federal Court appeal to keep receiving charitable tax concessions.


Homelessness – What About the Jewish Community?

Melinda Kidgell and Marilyn Kraner, Tuesday, 24th November 2015 -  There’s been a significant increase in demand for support by members of the Jewish community who are experiencing the same range of issues that cause homelessness in the general community, writes Melinda Kidgell and Marilyn Kraner from Jewish Care.
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