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Doubts Around Employment Data

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th December 2015 -  Employment data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is unreliable and “not worth the paper they’re written on”, according to the former director of the organisation.

Peter Greste Wins Human Rights Medal

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th December 2015 -  Journalist Peter Greste has won the 2015 Human Rights Medal at a ceremony in Sydney.


Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals: How Can International Volunteers Contribute?

Dr Jemma Gibcus, Thursday, 10th December 2015 -  Volunteering will play an important role in achieving the latest United Nations Sustainable Development Goals both locally and globally, writes Dr Jemma Gibcus from Australian Red Cross.

Domestic Violence Driving Homelessness

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 9th December 2015 -  Domestic and family violence was directly responsible for one-third of all Australians who used specialist homelessness services over the last two years, new government figures have revealed.

Disability Sector Lacks Confidence in NDIS Rollout – Report

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 8th December 2015 -  Two-thirds of the Australian disability sector believe governments are not responding to their requirements, according to a report on the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.


Could Our NFP Ego Be Holding Us Back?

Conrad Liveris, Tuesday, 8th December 2015 -  Focussing on the way Not for Profit’s communicate their impact is how they can start to dodge the trappings of arrogance and achieve long-term interest, writes Perth-based community advocate and researcher, Conrad Liveris.

Impact 25 Winners Announced

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 8th December 2015 -  Australian of the Year and domestic violence campaigner, Rosie Batty, has been voted the most influential person in the Not for Profit sector in this year’s Impact 25.

Australian Charity Sector Worth $103 Billion

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 4th December 2015 -  Just 5 per cent of Australian charities control 80 per cent of the sector’s combined income of $103 billion, according to a landmark report.

International Disability Day Has Local Impact

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 3rd December 2015 -  On the International Day of People with Disability, the Victorian Government has announced a $10 million transition program which includes consultation with the Not for Profit sector about its readiness to deliver the National Disability Insurance Sc

NFP Sector’s Largest Salary Survey Launches

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd December 2015 -  Not for Profit executives and managers are urged to take part in the sector’s largest salary survey being conducted by Pro Bono Australia for the fourth consecutive year.
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