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woman looking concerned at a man in the street

The role of data in social change campaigns

Natasha Sharma, Monday, 2nd November 2020 -  There can be a lot of anxiety about data these days, but it’s actually really important – it can tell a story and ultimately be harnessed to create inclusion and drive change, write Natasha Sharma and Mark Yin. 
Digital technology concept

Charities struggle to adapt to COVID-19 technology challenges

Contributor, Thursday, 29th October 2020 -  A new report says many not for profits have needed to reassess their technology use in recent months 

SA pushes to become the face of social innovation in Australia

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th October 2020 -  A new report explores how the purpose economy can grow in South Australia 
Ronni Kahn

Pause Fest opens doors to NFPs to boost innovation

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 21st October 2020 -  For the first time in its 11 year history, the festival is going virtual 


woman teaching older man how to use ipad

The need for a National Digital Inclusion Roadmap coming out of COVID-19

David Spriggs, Monday, 19th October 2020 -  With coronavirus expediting the digitisation of our daily lives, addressing digital inclusion in Australia must be a priority, writes David Spriggs, marking Get Online Week.
Doctor reassuring Vietnamese woman

How often do you ask yourself MiOK – Am I OK?

Contributor, Tuesday, 13th October 2020 -  A digital app that enables people to regularly check-in on themselves is being offered to not for profits to help them support their staff through the pandemic.

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Facebook business page, showing Ads tab

How Facebook’s ads policy is impacting Australian NFPs

Lex La Sala, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  While you may not be trying to influence politics, your ad may still need a disclaimer, writes Jo Boyle.

ACT making strides toward the Sustainable Development Goals

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  Researchers say there needs to be a prioritisation of environmental SDG goals across all states 

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an older woman learning to use a computer - sat at a laptop on her table.

A turning point in the digital divide

Andrea Pearman, Wednesday, 30th September 2020 -  Marking International Day for Access to Information and Right To Know Week, Andrea Pearman considers the additional difficulties digitally excluded groups have experienced this year and how we can make sure COVID-19 is a turning point for them.

From data point to donor interaction: An evolution of not-for-profit artificial intelligence tools

Contributor, Thursday, 3rd September 2020 -  Dr Annabelle Chuinard and her team at Keela have created accurate, predictive tools to help not for profits streamline their work and enhance their ability to attract, cultivate, and retain donors in the long run. 
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