Estelle Stathoulis, Tuesday, 5th June 2018 -
While the urgency to come up with a solution to our current recycling crisis is high, Australia needs to step up instead of side-stepping with band-aid solutions.
Contributor, Tuesday, 15th May 2018 -
What type of world do you want to live in by 2030? This is the question attendees are being asked to ponder on 2 June at the Social Good Summit Australia.
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 10th May 2018 -
Dr Ilse Treurnicht is the former CEO of Toronto’s MaRS Discovery District, who led the team that transformed the former hospital site into one of the world’s largest urban innovation hubs.
Contributor, Tuesday, 24th April 2018 -
Akolade sets out ways not for profits can improve the way they think and operate while remaining sustainable, ahead of the NFP Business Growth and Innovation Forum.
Zoe Robinson, Friday, 20th April 2018 -
Zoë Robinson, chief executive officer of Yfoundations, explores some of the ways organisations can use technology to further their causes and meet growing demand.
Contributor, Thursday, 12th April 2018 -
Sea rescue volunteers, Indigenous storytellers and campaigners for more awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders are among the finalists in this year’s Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards.