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Tech and innovation


Australian-first Data Tool to Show Where Help is Most Needed

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 4th September 2018 -  Social enterprises helping disadvantaged communities will be able to see exactly where support is needed most, through an Australian-first data tool developed for the community sector.

Lack of Blockchain Understanding Holding Charities Back

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 3rd September 2018 -  The potential of blockchain has many Australian charities excited, but a not-for-profit leader says a lack of understanding about how to best use the technology is holding charities back.

Around the World

Barcode Donations for Rough Sleepers to Combat Cashless Society

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 27th August 2018 -  A new UK social innovation project has created wearable barcodes for rough sleepers, in a drive to increase cashless donations.
The team at Hancock Creative

Social Media for NFPs

Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 21st August 2018 -  Hancock Creative offers some top tips on how not for profits can use social media to grow their brand.
Finger about to press a start button with the word innovation on the left. Composite between an image and a 3D background

Donation Point Tap Wins 2018 ABA100 Awards for Product Excellence and Product Innovation

Contributor, Tuesday, 7th August 2018 -  Donation Point Tap is changing the way organisations accept donations and is giving people more flexibility to make a donation.
hands in the middle

Connecting Up Puts Best ‘Face’ Forward at Workplace for Good Roadshow

Contributor, Thursday, 26th July 2018 -  Connecting Up will be supporting Facebook’s three-stop Workplace for Good Roadshow as it visits Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland in August.
Happy robot

Major Sydney Event Explores Human Rights And Technology

Contributor, Tuesday, 17th July 2018 -  How do we protect our human rights when technology is changing the way we live at an unprecedented pace?
team designing app concept

Tailored Legal Services App Opportunity

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 5th July 2018 -  Students in Melbourne are on the lookout for not for profits who would benefit from a tailored legal services app.
The team behind TokenSpin. From left to right: Gabriel Brien, Frederick Brien, Bryce Thomas.

Australia Gets First Blockchain Charity

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 4th July 2018 -  Fundraising is set for a technological makeover with the launch of Australia’s first charity to be built natively on the blockchain.

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social media on a phone

A social media refresh in 30 minutes

Nicholas Soraghan, Tuesday, 19th June 2018 -  Nicholas Soraghan, the co-founder of Content For A Cause, offers his top tips for time poor not for profits looking to refresh their social media.
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