Luke Michael, Tuesday, 4th September 2018 -
Social enterprises helping disadvantaged communities will be able to see exactly where support is needed most, through an Australian-first data tool developed for the community sector.
Maggie Coggan, Monday, 3rd September 2018 -
The potential of blockchain has many Australian charities excited, but a not-for-profit leader says a lack of understanding about how to best use the technology is holding charities back.
Maggie Coggan, Monday, 27th August 2018 -
A new UK social innovation project has created wearable barcodes for rough sleepers, in a drive to increase cashless donations.
Contributor, Tuesday, 7th August 2018 -
Donation Point Tap is changing the way organisations accept donations and is giving people more flexibility to make a donation.
Contributor, Thursday, 26th July 2018 -
Connecting Up will be supporting Facebook’s three-stop Workplace for Good Roadshow as it visits Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland in August.
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 5th July 2018 -
Students in Melbourne are on the lookout for not for profits who would benefit from a tailored legal services app.
Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 4th July 2018 -
Fundraising is set for a technological makeover with the launch of Australia’s first charity to be built natively on the blockchain.
Nicholas Soraghan, Tuesday, 19th June 2018 -
Nicholas Soraghan, the co-founder of Content For A Cause, offers his top tips for time poor not for profits looking to refresh their social media.