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welfare reform

Simulation of Welfare System Reveals Raising Newstart Would Reduce Poverty Gap

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 13th December 2018 -  Raising Newstart by around $300 per fortnight and the Age Pension by $11, while other welfare payments are cut, would reduce the poverty gap by 11 per cent, according to new analysis.

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How to ‘Up’ Your End of Year Fundraising Campaign

Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 11th December 2018 -  December is upon us, so it is time to get on board with a simple donation drive this Christmas, writes Content For A Cause co-founder Nicholas Soraghan, who looks at how charities can make the most of their end of year fundraising campaign.


Are You Perpetuating Your Irrelevance?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 22nd November 2018 -  With several major retailers going under in the last few years, charities should be learning a thing or two about how they do business, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie.

Tackling Entrenched Disadvantage With Impact Investing

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 13th November 2018 -  Australia’s growing impact investment market can help deliver better results in areas such as disability services and homelessness, but proactive leadership is needed for the industry to reach its potential, according to a new blueprint for collect

Google Awards Millions to Groups Harnessing Technology For Change

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 2nd November 2018 -  Australia’s top not for profits and social enterprises are celebrating after winning millions of dollars in prize money for their use of technology to make a social difference.


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Why a Fresh Approach to Safeguarding is Needed

Contributor, Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 -  In wake of the national apology to survivors of sexual abuse, it’s time to take an innovative and fresh approach to ensuring the safety of vulnerable people, writes Peter Baynard-Smith.


Are Board Portals for NFPs a New Necessity?

Contributor, Thursday, 18th October 2018 -  There is a common misconception that board portals for not for profits are unnecessary, but they can actually work as a tool to help NFPs operate more efficiently and effectively, writes Convene sales and marketing executive Marjorie Nepomuceno.


Why the Community Sector Should Get Data Savvy

Contributor, Tuesday, 9th October 2018 -  Community sector organisations can – and should – get savvy in the new world of data science, writes Professor Jane Farmer from Swinburne University’s Social Innovation Research Institute.
Karen refugee in Mae La refugee camp in Thailand using discounted computer

Refurbished Computers a ‘Beacon of Hope’ for Young Karen Refugees

Contributor, Tuesday, 25th September 2018 -  Australian Karen Foundation co-founder Andrew Flint recounts how discounted Aussie computers and donated software have become the dream makers at the heart of an amazing story in an interview with Connecting Up.
Man with headset on

VR Helping People with Intellectual Disability Get Behind the Wheel

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 14th September 2018 -  A disability support service is using the latest in virtual reality technology to teach people with intellectual disability the skills to drive a car.  
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