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US Giving on the Rise

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  A new report on giving in the US has revealed Americans donated an estimated $335.17 billion to charitable causes in 2013, a three per cent increase from 2012.

Charities to Raise Funds on London Stock Exchange

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  An issuing platform enabling charities to take out loans through bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange has been launched in the UK.

A National Campaign Could Help the Business Case for Giving

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -  The re-establishment of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership program could be the ideal chance to initiate a cultural change in attitudes to giving, writes Philanthropy Australia Policy and Research Manager Krystian Seibert.

Ian Potter Foundation Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th June 2014 -  Eleven Not for Profit organisations are to share in $5.5 million for ‘transformative projects’ as part of The Ian Potter Foundation’s special 50th Anniversary funding program.

Government Advertises Service Delivery Grants

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2014 -  The Federal Government has begun a national advertising campaign calling on Not for Profits to apply for funding to deliver services from January 2015 under its new grants arrangements.

‘Desperate’ Crowdfunding to Support Refugees

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 -  Another major Not for Profit has turned to crowdfunding to help keep a program operating that matches refugees with skilled mentors following a gap in Federal Government funding.

$500K Available for Health Charities

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 -  Up to $500,000 is up for grabs for 10 charities that provide innovative health and wellbeing initiatives around Australia as part of the 2014 nib foundation Community Grant funding round.

Refugee Council Gets $50K in Support

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd June 2014 -  Supporters of the Not for Profit peak body Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) have responded to the Federal Government’s cut to the peak body’s core funding - donating $50,000 in two days to its emergency funding appeal.

$10M Gift to Indigenous Health Leadership

Staff Reporter, Friday, 30th May 2014 -  Australian philanthropist and retired transport magnate Greg Poche has donated $10 million to the University of Melbourne for a leadership development program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals.
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