Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -
The Australian Tax Office has decided not to appeal a Federal Court decision giving national Not for Profit, the Hunger Project, Public Benevolent Institution status - paving the way for more charities to access the fundraising status.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -
More than $295,000 in grants is available to Not for Profits that support older people living in small rural, regional and remote communities.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -
Scholarships, worth up to $12,500, are now on offer to women in rural and remote areas to complete a course in governance, in a bid to lift female representation on boards and senior executive positions.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -
A new collective giving circle, the Melbourne Women’s Fund, has attracted prominent women in philanthropy ahead of its official launch on July 21.
Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th July 2014 -
More than 50 leading Australian and international speakers will join up to 1,000 delegates to debate and discuss trends in philanthropy and giving at Philanthropy Australia’s 2014 National Conference in Melbourne on September 2 - 3.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -
Fellowships, worth up to $20,000, are on offer to those doing research and projects that expand and enhance Melbourne’s reputation as a centre of knowledge excellence.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -
Donor peak body Philanthropy Australia has launched a national awards program to honour outstanding philanthropic leaders for their significant achievements in the Australian philanthropic sector.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -
A grant of $50,000 is on offer for a Queensland charity that provides social welfare support to people who are most disadvantaged.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th July 2014 -
Not for Profits, the Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria and Rural Health Workforce Australia, have announced the four recipients of its Give Them Wings scholarships.