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close up of faces of group of people standing together

Eight reasons to become an FIA member

Contributor, Tuesday, 12th July 2022 -  Sally Shepherd, executive manager of membership and marketing at FIA, outlines what she sees as the benefits of joining the peak body.

A lighter note

Vedran and Julie hold a cardboard sign saying " the fastest growing group of homeless are women 55+'

Passing a torch for the homeless

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 30th June 2022 -  Gandel Foundation CEO Vedran Drakulic OAM has passed a metaphorical torch to Australians Investing in Women CEO Julie Reilly OAM to represent philanthropy in the annual Vinnies CEO sleepout.
A typewriter with a piece of paper coming out of the top that reads 'Donations'

Research reveals new givers ripe for targeting

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 15th June 2022 -  Responsive donors could be the key to helping charities and not for profits recover some of the fundraising pool lost to COVID.
An image of the entry to the FIA Conference, with a yellow board that says Your Passion, Your People, Your Place FIA Conference 2022

Fundraising’s best and brightest share their journeys

Contributor, Tuesday, 14th June 2022 -  “If an opportunity presents itself and the time is right for you, go for it”

Empowering not for profits with technology Impact Grants

Contributor, Tuesday, 7th June 2022 -  Applications are now open for Dog and Bone’s next round of Impact Grants. Apply by 15 July 2022.


hand pulling a wooden block with the word trust on it

Donor trust: Hard to get, easy to lose

Richenda Vermeulen, Monday, 6th June 2022 -  Trust is a top motivator when giving to a charity. It’s also increasingly in short supply: charities are often perceived as wasteful or inefficient. But within the broad sector this is a myth, writes ntegrity CEO Richenda Vermeulen. 
strategic grants

Risky business: The importance of financial reserves and a diversified fundraising strategy

Jo Garner, Thursday, 12th May 2022 -  Social sector organisations that ensure they have diverse revenue streams are best set for growth, writes Jo Garner of Strategic Grants.
Fundraising Institute Australia key image

Deepen your fundraising knowledge with FIA’s professional development program

Contributor, Tuesday, 10th May 2022 -  Wherever you are in your career, FIA’s program offers a practical and engaging way to learn the latest fundraising strategies, concepts, techniques and trends.


person looking at donate button on a website on a laptop

Wasting our time – marginal seat voters have their say

David Crosbie, Thursday, 5th May 2022 -  A new survey reveals voters in marginal seats strongly support fundraising reform for the charities sector, writes David Crosbie, who blames the current mess on a combination of Federation, bureaucracy, the digital world, condescension and political
A charity website seen on a laptop computer

ALP will streamline tangled fundraising laws in government

Jonathan Alley, Wednesday, 13th April 2022 -  The Labor opposition has promised to tackle Australia’s morass of outdated fundraising laws across all states and territories, if elected.
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