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Motivating Factors for Giving

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  A new US study explores the best motivating factors for pursuing a shared goal such as giving.

Charities Should Increase Focus on Non-Cash Gifts

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  Charities could unlock untapped resources if they were more strategic about raising non-cash gifts including goods, services, skills, knowledge, access and influence, according to UK experts.

Study of Philanthropic Foundations to Map ‘Where the Money Goes’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 15th July 2011 -  A new research project that will map grantmaking by Australia’s philanthropic foundations is to be led by the former Chief Executive of Philanthropy Australia, Gina Anderson, the Centre for Social Impact has announced.

New Regulatory Framework for Public Ancillary Funds

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  A commonly used financial structure for philanthropic organisations – Public Ancillary Funds – will be reformed to improve their governance and accountability, according to the Gillard Government.

Not for Profits Urged to be ‘Clearer on Outcomes’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  Not for Profit organisations need to use a strong business case, rather than relying on emotional appeal, to attract philanthropic funding, according to charitable trust managers, Perpetual.

The Cost of Raising a Pound – Perception and Reality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  How much does it cost a charity to raise £1 from the public in the UK? Research by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in the UK reveals a huge disparity between public perceptions and the reality of how much charities spend to raise their funds.

Hundreds of Scholarships Available for NFP Board Members

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th July 2011 -  The Australian Scholarships Foundation has announced up to 325 scholarships are on offer for board members of Not for Profit organisations to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors Not-for-Profit Board Course.

Mobile Phone Giving – More Than Just a Text

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th July 2011 -  A new US report finds a growing trend toward Not for Profit adoption of mobile phone giving and other donor campaigns using smartphones and mobile devices - a trend that is going beyond the simple SMS text-to-give model.

Fuel Vouchers for Aussie Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th July 2011 -  The popular ‘Vouchers for Volunteers’ program is on again, with Australian Not for Profit organisations able to apply for free fuel vouchers from BP.
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