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Funding to Build the Leadership Capacity

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th March 2014 -  The Stanford Australia Foundation has awarded two scholarships to leaders in the Not for Profit sector for study in 2014 while applications are also open for next year’s scholarships.

Small Grants Open for Central Victoria

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th March 2014 -  The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), in partnership with the McEwen Foundation managed by ANZ Trustees, has opened applications for grants of up to $10,000 for charitable projects in the wider Goulburn Valley, in central Victoria.

The Rise and Rise of Adventure-based Fundraising

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  Combining adventure travel with charity fundraising is rapidly rising in popularity, as freelance journalist Sue Vittori discovered at the Fundraising Institute Australia’s recent Melbourne conference.

Social Enterprise Fundraising Guide

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  The School for Social Entrepreneurs Australia has launched a free fundraising guide for social enterprises and Not for Profits.

Australia Post 2014 Community Grants Open

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  Australia Post is calling on community groups and charitable organisations to apply for its Our Neighbourhood Community Grants to fund local community projects.

Confiscated Crime Cash Helps Victims and Youths

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th March 2014 -  In Western Australia criminals are paying for crime prevention programs as Not for Profit organisations receive government grants of up to $200,000.

Philanthropists Lead Action on Gender Inequality

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls, Natasha Stott Despoja, has launched a suite of high-school education materials to address discrimination against women and girls.

Grants Open for Heritage Preservation

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  The National Library of Australia’s 2014 Community Heritage Grants of up to $15,000 are now open for applications.


Philanthropy and Australian Society

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  As a society Australia needs to think about the phenomena that is the growth of the philanthropic sector and where it’s going, writes philanthropist Marcus Fielding.

Communications Grant Applications Open

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th February 2014 -  Not for Profit Communications Advocacy group, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has launched its 2104 Grants Scheme worth a quarter of a million dollars.
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