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Luke Michael is a journalist at Pro Bono News covering the social sector.


Building Homes for Homeless Youth


Luke Michael, Monday, 5th March 2018 -  Wendy Brakey is the general manager of the Property Industry Foundation, a charity for the property and construction industry. She is this week’s Changemaker.

Government Launches Campaign to Stop Orphanage Tourism


Luke Michael, Friday, 2nd March 2018 -  The federal government has launched a new campaign to discourage Australians from engaging in misleading overseas volunteer programs, which are contributing to child exploitation through the practice of orphanage tourism.

NFP Sector Failing To React to Increasing Community Expectations


Luke Michael, Thursday, 1st March 2018 -  Charities have failed to understand and react to increasing community expectations placed on them, according to a panel discussion on declining trust in the not-for-profit sector.

Calls to Abolish Basic Religious Charity Category from ACNC Legislation


Luke Michael, Thursday, 1st March 2018 -  Justice Connect has called to abolish the concept of Basic Religious Charity from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission’s legislation, in their submission to the ACNC review.

Government Revives Push For Welfare Drug Testing


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th February 2018 -  The Turnbull government has revived its push to introduce a controversial drug testing trial for welfare participants, despite continued opposition from Labor, The Greens and community groups.

Strategic Partnerships Key To Linking Purpose With Profit


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th February 2018 -  Major Australian businesses can link purpose with profit by being clear about their positive intentions and seeking strategic partnerships with community organisations, according to a corporate sustainability leader.

Excluding Charities Makes Foreign Donations Ban ‘Entirely Ineffective’ Says Cormann


Luke Michael, Tuesday, 27th February 2018 -  Finance Minister Mathias Cormann believes excluding charities from a foreign donations ban would “make such a ban entirely ineffective”, despite Labor leader Bill Shorten’s assertion that reform can occur without “silencing” the charity sector.

Social Media Campaign Looks to End Use Of the Word ‘Retard’


Luke Michael, Monday, 26th February 2018 -  A new campaign has been launched in Western Australia urging people to stop using the word “retard”, with the word appearing on social media approximately every five seconds according to WA’s disabilities minister.

Adelaide Commits to ‘Functional Zero Homelessness’ by 2020


Luke Michael, Monday, 26th February 2018 -  An action plan has been developed to achieve functional zero homelessness in Adelaide by 2020, with a coalition of community service providers, government agencies and private sector organisations committed to leading the charge.

The Force Driving Shared Value in Australia


Luke Michael, Monday, 26th February 2018 -  Helen Steel is the CEO of Shared Value Project, and has been instrumental in driving the concept of shared value in Australia. She is this week’s Changemaker.

Royal Commissions have “Fundamentally Changed” Many Charities and NFPs


Luke Michael, Friday, 23rd February 2018 -  Royal commissions have “fundamentally changed” the way many charities and not for profits act and caused a rethink on how those organisations present themselves, a leading academic believes.
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