What do companies really want from their for-purpose partners? Gain insights from corporate decision makers.
What tools are neccessary to develop, measure and ensure success in sponsorship relationships?
This 60-minute webinar will discuss the opinions of corporate senior executives and sponsorhip decision makers on how they view the current and future sponsorship landscape. Questions that will be answered are: What can Not for Profits do to improve their chances of success with them? What are so many ‘getting it wrong’ when they make their approaches to companies? What are some of the secrets that we could use to be more successful at engaging companies in our causes?
In this session you’ll learn
- what things affect your company’s ability to spend money on sponsorship
- challenges faced when activating/implementing a sponsorship
- the most common mistakes that for-purpose organisations (including events, charities, sporting groups) make when seeking sponsorship?
- the top five things that charities could do to increase their chances of succeeding at sponsorship
- the difference between ROI vs ROO.
Who will benefit?
This webinar is pitched to participants with a base understanding of how to engage sponsors. It will be useful for all professionals from entry levels to executives.
Can’t make the date?
If you pay and register for any of our Executive Webinars, you will also receive the slide pack and full video recording. So if your schedule is tight, you can watch it in your own time.
This Executive Webinar is proudly presented by RedBack Conferencing.
Redback Conferencing is an Australian Conferencing Service Provider that dramatically improves the way organisations meet, present and collaborate at a distance. They deploy the latest Webinar, Webcasting, Teleconferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing technologies to thousands of Australian organisations all while delivering an unmatched level of support, ease of use and peace ofmind. (www.redbackconferencing.com.au | www.webinars.com.au).