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Making the Case for Volunteer Involvement: How to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI)

Date: 27 January 2016 at 11:00 pm Presenter: Tobi Johnson Run time: 60 Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Volunteers are a crucial resource for many Not for Profits, but often their true contributions are misunderstood and underestimated.

In this 60-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to calculate a meaningful return on investment (ROI) that you can track over time. In addition to learning how to do the maths yourself, you’ll receive a tool that can calculate it for you. You will leave feeling confident and ready to communicate why your volunteers deserve respect and resources from leadership, funders, the community, and other stakeholders.

In this session you’ll learn

  • why calculating ROI is important for organisations that involve volunteers
  • how ROI can strengthen programs and build trust
  • learn simple ways to calculate ROI
  • the limitations & challenges to tracking your investment and return and how to manage them
  • compelling alternatives (or supplements) to tracking ROI.

Who will benefit?

This webinar is pitched to participants with a base understanding volunteer management. It will be useful for both; entry level employees with less than five years of appropriate professional experience as well as management level employees with five-plus years of professional experience.


This Executive Webinar is proudly presented by RedBack Conferencing.

Redback Conferencing is an Australian Conferencing Service Provider that dramatically improves the way organisations meet, present and collaborate at a distance. They deploy the latest Webinar, Webcasting, Teleconferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing technologies to thousands of Australian organisations all while delivering an unmatched level of support, ease of use and peace of mind. ( |



Tobi Johnson

Tobi Johnson

Tobi Johnson is the president and founder of Tobi Johnson & Associates, a consultancy that helps nonprofits strengthen their volunteer strategy, and of VolunteerPro, an online networking and professional development community for leaders of volunteers. With over 30 years direct experience in the nonprofit sector in the United States, Tobi is now an internationally recognized expert, thought leader, and catalyst in the field of volunteer engagement and has presented at both state and national conferences on volunteerism in Australia. Tobi authored Chapter 1, “Big Shifts That Will Change Volunteerism for the Better,” of the anthology Volunteer Engagement 2.0: Ideas and Insights for Transforming Volunteer Programs in a Changing World, published by Wiley & Sons in 2015.
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