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Giving It Legs – Resources That Rethink Giving

Date: 13 August 2015 at 04:00 am Presenter: Dr. Liz Branigan, Leslie Falkiner-Rose, Jessica Gorlin, Leigh Murphy Run time: 60 Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Join us for a free webinar launch that shares loads of learning.


  • Panel of four expert guest presenters
  • Discussion how we can improve giving in Australia
  • Opportunities for strategic partnerships
  • Digital education materials on philanthropy
  • Repurposing and adding value to your digital content
  • What it takes to reach Australian classrooms

Giving, in all its guises, is the glue that binds our communities. But, when volunteer numbers are dropping and giving has become synonymous with financial donations, how can we encourage future generations to see more personal and societal value in acts that help one another?

This free webinar launches the first of the Giving It curriculum-linked, digital philanthropy education materials and shares insights gained and knowledge used in the two years since the project’s inception.

It will be of most use to…

  • Education staff and managers
  • Digital content creators in not-for-profit organisations
  • Fundraisers and marketers
  • Communications staff in not-for-profit organisations
  • Anyone interested in the public promotion of philanthropy

This Executive Webinar is proudly presented by RedBack Conferencing.

Redback Conferencing is an Australian Conferencing Service Provider that dramatically improves the way organisations meet, present and collaborate at a distance. They deploy the latest Webinar, Webcasting, Teleconferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing technologies to thousands of Australian organisations all while delivering an unmatched level of support, ease of use and peace of mind. ( |




Dr. Liz Branigan, Leslie Falkiner-Rose, Jessica Gorlin, Leigh Murphy

Dr. Liz Branigan, Leslie Falkiner-Rose, Jessica Gorlin, Leigh Murphy

Dr. Liz Branigan - Senior Lecturer and Masters Program coordinator, Asia Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology. Liz is currently researching how education, business and philanthropy can work together to support positive social change.

Leslie Falkiner-Rose. Strategist, digital content producer, journalist, charitable foundation trustee and Master of Philanthropy and Social Investment. She has been managing the creation of Giving It’s digital stories on a pro bono basis.

Jessica Gorlin. Learning Manager, Education and Resource Design, Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E). Jessica, a former secondary teacher, has used her extensive knowledge of classroom environments to create a purposeful, curriculum-aligned package that teachers can use to promote active citizenship.

Leigh Murphy. User Engagement Project Manager, Education Services Australia, a not-for-profit company owned by all Australian Education Ministers. Leigh, a former primary school teacher, works with government, corporate, not-for-profit and cultural organisations to develop and share quality digital teaching and learning resources through Scootle, the national portal used by 350,000 teachers.

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