First Impact Investment Survey Launches
9 September 2015 at 9:41 am
Australia’s first Impact Investor Survey, launched this week, aims to provide critical data to improve opportunities for investments that deliver both social benefits and financial returns.
Impact Investing Australia (IIA) is calling for investors to complete the survey, which will map current trends and identify areas for improvement.
“This Survey is key to uncovering current impact investing activity already happening across investor groups, as well as demonstrating the level of demand and areas of growth for impact investment.” IIA CEO, Daniel Madhavan said.
“It will provide a better understanding of the motivations, intentions and barriers encountered by investors participating in impact investing, as well as reveal the awareness and interest in impact investing from investors who are not currently making impact investments.
“The Survey is an important mechanism for understanding – and being able to track over time – the activity, size and perspectives of the market operating in and from Australia.”
According to a JP Morgan and Global Impact Investing Network survey, impact investing is growing globally with investments made across a range of sectors. This year, the world’s largest impact investors have committed $US12.2 billion to impact investments.
IIA said all survey participants will receive a copy of the final report and be invited to a briefing session before the public release of the report in later this year.
The Impact Investor Survey is open until Friday 2 October, to participate in the survey here.