Volunteers - Engaging the Next Generation!
17 July 2000 at 1:07 pm
While its not always easy to translate the experience of US philanthropy into Australian practice, a new guide on volunteering and how Not for Profits can attract today’s youth, appears to have crossed the cultural divide.
The US Advertising Council and MTV: Music Television have joined forces to produce a comprehensive manual to help Not for Profits effectively attract the young adult market (ages 18-24) to volunteering.
The Advertising Council is a private Not for Profit organisation that produces public service communication programs in the United States such as drink driving campaigns and the like.
MTV joined up with the Advertising Council as part of its Strategic Partnerships program, and the research-based guide was funded by a grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts.
The 32-page manual is a resource guidebook, complete with an Executive Summary, and offers an in-depth look at what Not for Profits can do to attract young volunteers. While the case histories, anecdotes and research statistics are US-based; the communications and action plans translate to any country.
The manual, titled ‘Engaging the Next Generation: How Non-Profits Can Reach Young Adults’ can be downloaded free from the Ad Council web site at www.adcouncil.org.